Reskinning for Fun and Profit – Mount Edition (Hippocampus, Centicore and Chrysomallus)!


Disclaimer: These are not reskins in the strictest sense of the word.  There are some slight alterations made to the reskinned kits.  The changes are minimal and should be fairly easy to implement though.  Enjoy!


Shipwreck!  The merchant vessel Prosperity has collided with a reef off the shores of a grand port city, caught in a freak summer storm.  The port authority should be panicked – there is no way any of their vessels can be readied in time to mount a rescue operation.  And even if they could, what would prevent their ships from meeting a similar fate?

There is no hysteria here though.

Immediately, twenty of the city’s elite hippocampus riders spring into action.  Riding a giant fish should be tricky business, but what if that fish had the upper body of a horse?  Throw a saddle on it, and away you go!

And go they do.  In short order, twenty hippocampi and their riders are weaving among the wreckage.  Each one is nimble enough to maneuver amidst the waves and debris, and strong enough to carry multiple survivors to safety on shore.

In no time, the rescue is complete.  Casualties are light and spirits are high.  The hippocampi seem restless, however.  They whinny excitedly and their hooves agitate the water in their pens into a foamy froth.

The object of their excitement becomes clear.  The keeper of the stables is walking the length of the enclosure with a bucket, dispensing fishy treats – a reward for a job well done!

Reskin: Giant Sea Horse (Monster Manual, 328)


  • Remove water breathing and replace with hold breath (15 minutes).
  • If desired, add a hoof attack as from a pony (MM 335).


A lone elf ranger gallops through the forest, mounted on what can only be described as a marvel of nature.  The creature appears to be an antelope or perhaps a gazelle, but with much longer, more ornate antlers on its head than would be normal for either of those species.  And protruding from its mouth are large, curved, menacing tusks.  It is a centicore.

The reason for the elf’s high speed becomes apparent.  In the distance are two men mounted on horseback: brigands carrying the spoils of a night raid on his camp.The horses are fast, but his centicore is too.  When the distance has been closed between him and the first of the cowardly thieves, the elf issues a command and the centicore sweeps its head to the side, goring the hapless man with a tusk.

The second outlaw proves to be more difficult prey.  He parries both the attacks of the elf and the tusks of the centicore with a pair of short swords.  He is unprepared though, for what the centicore has in store next.

One of its magnificent antlers swivels! It executes a full 360-degree spin on the head of the creature, taking the man by surprise and dismounting him.  He hits the ground hard and is knocked unconscious.

Beast and rider slow to a stop and collect themselves.  The elf offers the centicore a pat on the neck and a few words of praise – “Good job, Alvar.”

Reskin: Riding Horse (MM 336)


  • Change hoof attack to tusks.  Change damage type to piercing.
  • Add antler swivel attack: Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.  Hit: 6 (1d6 +3) bludgeoning damage.  If target is mounted, must succeed on a DC 12 Strength or Dexterity saving throw or be unmounted and knocked prone.


A small group of dwarf adventurers find themselves in deep trouble.  Ambushed on a mountain pass by a party of orcs, they are outnumbered and outmatched.

Only one hope remains.

The party’s leader removes an ornately carved horn from his belt and blows, sending a deep bellow echoing throughout the peaks above and chasms below.

“I only hope she’s close enough to return in time,” he says to his comrades.

The dwarves fight valiantly but are clearly no match for their attackers.  But just as their formation begins to break, salvation arrives overhead!

With a warcry from her throat and a bleat from her mount, the party’s advance scout, Dasras, and Inko, a chrysomallus, descend into the fray.

As a chrysomallus, Inko is well equipped to deal with the situation at hand.  He is the size of a horse, but with the body and features of a ram (plus a pair of resplendent pegasus-like wings).  He goes to work.

He dives at a group of archers clumped on a slope above the pass and butts them down the hill, sending them careening into the void below.

He wheels around and swiftly brings Dasras into range of an orc beserker who has cornered a lone dwarf.  She dispatches him with one swing of her warhammer.

And with that, the tide of battle has turned.  The orcs, routed, turn and flee into the mountains.

Reskin: Giant Goat (MM 326)


  • Add flight speed of 60 ft.
  • If desired, add hoof attack as from a riding horse (MM 336).

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